Home Buyer/Home Seller Dispute Resolution System
Although the vast majority of real estate transactions close without incident, the possibility that a problem or dispute between the buyer and seller will occur cannot be eliminated. Generally, these difficulties are successfully resolved through normal channels of communications and negotiations. Your real estate broker or agent can provide valuable assistance in this regard. Occasionally, a dispute arises which cannot be resolved through negotiations. In the past, when negotiations failed both parties, buyers and sellers, took their cases to court.
Court costs, attorney’s fees and long delays have made traditional litigation an unattractive method of resolving disputes. These problems can be avoided through the Home Buyers/Home Sellers Dispute Resolution System mediation program.
Review the material below. Please email to Cheryl Adams at cheryl@gpar.org a copy of the fully executed (initialed by seller and buyer) Standard Agreement of Sale with the DRS Transmittal Form and review the List of Mediators and cross off any Mediator that you do not wish to mediate your case. In addition, please contact cheryl@gpar.org to request GPAR’s credit card form to pay the $100.00 Dispute Resolution System Administrative Filing Fee.